Wednesday, January 28

some pier wedges

and night
didnt take any water shot during this sick ass afternoon sesh. But i kinda regret it cuz there was some side waves off the end it was great. No swell for a while now and i dont know how long i can last standing on the beach and just waiting for waves it will drive me (NUTS) i mite just find another water activity to do until the swell picks up again.

1 comment:

Marcus Bockman, Editor said...

Yo man. Nice vibe to the sunset shots. I wasn't calling you out with my text, just making a general statement. Just encouragement bud. I am stoked you are doing well in school. Props homie! I will call you on Friday. Hopefully we can shoot sometime over the weekend if there is swell (I haven't checked the reports in a few days). I am going to check around to see if anyone knows of any place not too secretive that might be breaking even if there's no swell. LATER!